Sunday, August 5, 2012

T -14

Two weeks until school starts.

So, I've done this all before. It's only been 6 years that I've been out of homeschooling. How could I forget how to make a lesson plan?

There are so many different expectations now versus when I had the older children at home. They had been trained to be very independent learners. I'd hand the oldest a book and say read it. It would be read and comprehended and assimilated. With the youngest, she is equally as intelligent. But, if I just hand her the book, and don't have assignments based upon the text, I doubt that she will assimilate any of the knowledge.

But, how do I develop assignments for these courses? She wants to take Asian History. So, I have found two excellent textbooks on Asian History. But, both are for college courses. Neither comes with a workbook or test. Yes, I have the ability to sit down and write test questions. But, I don't really want to. Part of the idea behind bringing them home this year is to get away from the busy work and the monotony of learning in a traditional setting. I want to give her the joy of learning. And that will not come through read and regurgitate lessons.

I could read ahead and write prompt questions for myself and make this a discussion based course. However, there isn't just Asian History to deal with. She is also taking Latin, and Philosophy. Where do I find the ability and the time to create discussions for all three? (on top of her Physics course, her Calculus and French) All while still working and keeping a house.

Oh yeah, now I remember why I chose to do one history course for all six when they were at home. ::sigh::

This is going to be more difficult than I thought.

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