Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Information on iQ Academy

From our friend, Veronica Streetz,

I have a Senior in IQ Academy. He has been with IQ for all four years of High School. K12 buying IQ has had no visible effects on the school from a parent or student perspective. The students do receive textbooks for classes but not every class. Right now he has books for Economics, Psychology and Chemistry. The teachers hold weekly elluminate session where they teach the material that week. They are also recorded and posted within each class. We love his math teacher with a pause button. lol The kids also have online lessons to read and then assignments. The assignments are either multi-guess (as I call it) and gets graded right away by the computer. Sometimes there are essay questions where my son does the essay and then cuts and pastes into the quiz or exam. Sometimes work is scanned in and attached to a email or dropped in the teachers "digital dropbox." Scanning is rare. Teachers used to be part-time at IQ and then work also in the local schools but that changed. Now the teacher's just do IQ. His Algebra 2 teacher will meet with students throughout the state at different locations. He does receive a "pace chart" for each class that lays out everything for the entire semester. He can work ahead if he wants. The only true deadline where any missed work turns into a zero is at the end of the semester. If provides wonderful flexibility and a opportunity to learn a lesson from stress and cramming. lol If your kid likes everything to be laid out for him and likes things to be routine and pretty much the same then IQ would provide that for him. 1. Look at the pace chart 2. read the required textbook with the quiz in hand to locate the correct answers 3. attend elluminate to listen to the teacher explain material. That's it. They can also print out exams and fill those in along the way. The essays is where the deeper understanding is assessed. With math we don't even bother looking at the lessons on-line. We listen to the recorded elluminate take our notes and do the problems along the way. Completely teacher lead. If you go to elluminate you get the material as simple as that. Math also has extra "help sessions" in elluminate. Teachers are also totally available via e-mail.

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