Sunday, February 13, 2011

Take the dare

I've invited substitute blogger, Verconia Streetz, to join us. She is a veteran Virtual school mom. She has seen all of the good, the bad and the ugly of virtual schooling. She is determined to see her kids get the best education they can. There have been challenges along the way, but she has always been victorious. I have asked her to consider sharing her experiences and wisdom.

You know how kids dare each other. I dare you to say this or do that. Usually they are trying to get the other person in trouble. However, I am going to dare you. I dare you to dream that education could be different for your children. I dare you to dream that your children could learn to love learning, for the sake of learning. I dare you to believe that you can really do this and be awesome. Think out of the box, I dare you. Dream a little dream. Dream that day after day your children could live without fear of being criticized by peers. It is up to you to lead your children, they will follow you. Show them a whole different world. I dare you. I dare you to open enroll. This is your chance. Then gather your information. I dare you to follow your heart.

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