Friday, February 11, 2011

Open Enrollment Ends February 25

For those who are already in the school of their choice, you do not need to fill out the open enrollment form from the Department of Public Instruction. (DPI) If you are thinking about switching from one virtual school to another, you have to fill out the form. If you are thinking about having a sibling switch into a school, you need to fill out the form. If you are new to virtual schooling, you need to fill out the form. If you want to switch to any brick and mortar school outside of your assigned district, you need to fill out the form.

This is a problem. Why? you might ask. After all, the form is online. It's simple to walk through. What could possibly be the problem? Well, apart from the fact that we still haven't repealed the cap on virtual schooling ( It took me 48 minutes this morning to fill out the form for my two daughters.

To be honest, my computer is slower than my children doing math. But, I do consider myself to be some what internet savvy. I couldn't find the link to file online. The ONLY link I could find on the DPI web site was for the paper form. (which has to be postmarked no later than the 25th) In order for me to even find the information necessary to begin the form, I had to follow a link from one of the virtual schools. --if it matters to anyone, Insight school had the clearest directions telling me how to fill out the form. K12 did not address the issue at all, even though this is the most important two week period in the year for virtual school families. If we miss this, our children cannot participate in this form of education. No exceptions.

So, as a public service, I am posting a link that will take you directly to the form. Only use this if you are sure that you are ready to file.

Please, if you are considering virtual schooling, and your student is not already enrolled in the school of your choice, fill out the form. If you are considering switching schools, fill out the form. This is the ONLY way to keep your options open. If you do not put a specific school on this form before the 25th, your child will not be able to attend that school in the fall. It slurps. I agree. Please join the coalition.

1 comment:

  1. I want to add a comment to my own post, (is that even acceptable in the virtual world?)

    It is very important for people to realize, you can apply to multiple schools. Filling out this form does NOT mean that you are accepted to a school. You do not have to commit to any school until June. Every year, I fill out this form for my daughters. I put down my favorite non-resident brick and mortar school, and I put down two virtual options. This is just to make certain that if I change my mind between now and June, I will be able to get my children into the school of my choice. I know this might mess with the lottery system of the virtual school cap, but I have to look out for the best interest of my children. 48 minutes to fill out a form in February is a small price to pay to keep my options open.
